Hydraulic Accumulators

Gas filled hydraulic accumulators are used in many hydraulic applications providing energy stores and dampening functions.

They can deliver stored energy rapidly generating high fluid flowrates for short durations or maintain a holding pressure for long periods. Both applications reduce either pump size or allow a pump to be turned off for extended periods.

Energy is often stored in gas filled accumulators to provide one off emergency fail to safe systems in the event of an external power failure.

All these applications rely upon the accumulator performing as designed. Correct selection, pre-charge pressure and maintenance are all critical to the correct performance of an accumulator system. Often the first sign of an accumulator problem is when the emergency function does not work! 

Selection Sales Inspection Test Recertification

Yarl Hydracentre offer a wide range of hydraulic accumulator products and services.

We have Engineers and Technicians trained in the selection and inspection of gas filled accumulators providing advice on accumulator selection and maintenance.

Our sales team can offer gas filled accumulators and accumulator spares to suit a wide range of applications that use bladder, diaphragm, and piston accumulators.

Meeting the Requirements of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR) with Regard to Gas-Loaded Accumulators

The primary objective of the PSSR is to prevent serious injury as a result of the failure of pressure system or one of its component parts. The correct selection, application, inspection, and certification of gas filled accumulators is critical for the safe operation of many pressure systems.

Yarl Hydracentre has Engineers qualified to provide the following services:

  • Accumulator and safety device selection and circuit design
  • Production of Written Schemes of Examination
  • Pressure system examination in accordance with the Written Scheme of Examination
  • Gas filled hydraulic accumulator inspection, certification and remanufacture

Written Scheme of Examination

A hydraulic system containing a gas loaded accumulator is likely to require the owner of the system to have a written scheme of examination. The written scheme will define the hydraulic system and its safety systems, the maintenance requirements and frequency of inspection. The written scheme must be produced by a competent person.

Pressure systems must be examined in accordance with their written scheme of examination.

Yarl Hydracentre offer services to support your gas filled accumulator pressure systems:

  • Generation of a Written Scheme of Examination
  • System inspection in accordance with the system written scheme of examination.

Gas Filled Hydraulic Accumulator Inspection & Certification

Gas filled hydraulic accumulators are required as defined in a system written scheme and to comply with the PSSR to be periodically inspected.

The examination type will be defined within a written scheme and will be dependent upon the system fluid, the operating environment, and the examination periodicity.

The test type can range from the verification of a system safety device such as a pressure relief valve, external inspection of an accumulator shell to a full internal examination and hydrostatic pressure test of the accumulator shell.

Yarl Hydracentre can offer the inspection and certification services to ensure your hydraulic systems incorporating gas filled hydraulic accumulators comply with the requirements of your written scheme of examination.